Our solution is based on the following steps.
The steps do not always take place in chronological order, and several steps may be running at the same time.
1. Measurement
We install air quality sensors in the room. Sensors collect data about air quality and send the data to the Loggs reporting view. A thorough measurement measures, for example
The amount of mold
Harmful gases such as VOCs

2. Analysis
The data collected by the air quality sensors will be analyzed directly via the network. Our indoor air quality experts analyze the data in the Loggs reporting view.

3. Reporting
The results of the analysis are communicated to the customer in a transparent and clear manner. With the help of measurement and analysis it is possible to find out what the air quality is like now and what needs to be improved.

4. Solution
Each customer is given a tailor-made solution based on the information gathered in the measurements and their industry. The equipment we offer can be purchased, rented or leased.

5. Installation
The solution consists of both a change in operating method and the necessary equipment.

6. Monitoring
The air quality sensor monitors the air quality 24/7. The selected alarm limits are set for the air quality, in which case you will receive an alarm if the limit value is exceeded. If problem areas arise, they will be addressed and changes to the solution can be made quickly.